S1. Download
Purchase Suppke from Themeforest then you can download theme package.Extract Package that include all files and folders of theme.

2. Install via Wordpress
Purchase Suppke from Themeforest then you can download theme package.Extract Package that include all files and folders of theme.Now from the Installable folder select theme and upload it through Appearance>Theme>Add New. after installing the theme active it.

3. Install via FTP
Via FTP – The other way is by FTP, log in into your site’s FTP through a FTP Client and go into the WordPress directory and then navigate to:/wp-content/themes/ and upload the Suppke folder here. After the upload is complete go to Appearance > Themes into your admin area, you will see Suppke theme there, hit Activate to activate Suppke.
Install & Setup Plugins.
S4. Install Plugins
After installing the theme you must have to install the plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

Demo import
SOne-click Demo Import
If you want your site to look like exactly the suppke demo then you have to import the demo content successfully. You can import the demo content easily from the dashboard. Follow the following steps to import the demo content easily.

Create a New Page
SStep 1: Navigate to Pages in your admin sidebar and click Add New option.

Step 2: Enter a new name for your page, then find the Page Attributes box on right side to set your Parent or Template page

Home Page Configuration
SGo to Admin > Settings > Reading > Reading settings
To display Homepage as landing page and posts listing page as Blog page follow below Steps:

WooCommerce Products Configuration
Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Products to change the Products settings.

Page Builder
S1. How to enable Elementor editor for different custom post types

Home Page Setting
S1. How to Settingup Your Homepage with Elementor editor

1- Banner settings
1- Features area settings
1- Product area settings
1- Contact form settings
Contact Form
SAfter installing Contact Form 7 Plugin goto the Contact Form manu and create a contact form using Add New Button. Then copy and paste the code there
<div class="footer-form"> <input type="email" placeholder="Your E-mail"> <textarea name="message" id="message" placeholder="Your Massage"></textarea> <button class="btn">Submit</button> </div>

After create a new form submit the SAVE button.Now you will get a schotcode, put the shortcode to the widget

Theme Option
SThis section will provide you an in-depth guide on how to use the Theme settings. To access the Theme Settings page, go to Dashboard > suppke Options .
Header Options
You can change the navbar button text, link and also the text color from here.

Typography Options
You can change the Heading and paragraph font fmily and color from here.

Blog Options
You can able to change the blog Breadcrumb Title from here.

Footer Settings
You can configure out the website footer from the Footer Settings tab. Such as you can ON/OFF the footer widgets and edit the Copyright text from here

CWant to say hello? Want to know more about me? Give me a call or drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.